Zhiangjiajie, China – 张家界,中国 – Day 1

The seven days to visit Zhiangjiajie, China started to change from bad to good once we had met the young tour guide. He had arranged seven seats for us in the big tour bus to take us to Zhiangjiajie which took about 5 hours. Once we reached Zhiangjiajie and then transfer our luggage into a small 7 seated car with a driver to take us to visit scenic spot in Zhiangjiajie.
The tour guide Tung took us to a local restaurant which is specialized  for the 5 tribes dishes in Hunan. We had a good lunch and dinner at this beautiful restaurant. After our rest the driver sent us to our hotel and tour guide Tung arranged 7 tickets for us to see  the Chinese culture show in the National Theater.
The culture show was amazing with actors and Theater there was a great master showing his kungfu where he was weighted down with 5 big block of concrete. After the show the driver drove us back to our hotel so it went well and peacefully for our 1st day in Zhiangjiajie.
At last now I can sleep in peace as the tour guide Tung will arranged and organized for our group to see all the scenic spots in here and I don’t have to worry about anything now and can relax and enjoy myself. My first impression of Zhiangjiajiie  was “wow” factor as all the way to here I saw beautiful mountains with lakes surrounding it.

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