Goreme Valley, Cappadocia

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We reached Goreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadoncia, have been used and modified by man for centuries, is a landscape of harmony, with human interaction and settlement with dramatic natural landforms.

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The earthquake damage some of the cones and pillars, but it is a naturally occurring phenomenon. The erosion occurred  created the distinctive conical rock structures. The human created the fairy chimneys  and pillars to the rock structures, which made Grome valley famous for it fairy chimneys.

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About a mile away from the Goreme Valley, is The Goreme Open-Air Museum.  It is a vast monastic complex with scores of refectory monasteries placed side by side, each with it own church. It has the finest of the rock cut churches with beautiful frescoes -wall paintings whose colors still retain all it origin colors. Goreme Open Air Museum is a member of UNESCO World Heritage List since 1984, and it is one of the first two UNESCO sites in Turkey.

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The area covered by the Open Air Museum is a geographical entity and it represents historical unity. There are eleven refectories with the Museum, with rock cut churches tables and benches.

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The entrance fee to the museum is 25 TL per person.  It was still very hot in the late afternoon about 3.00 p.m, and best time to visit this place in summer is early morning or late afternoon.  It roughly took us 2 hours to see The Goreme Open Air Museum.

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Finished visiting the museum by 6.00 p.m. and want to see the Derwent Valley in dusk so we took a taxi to there. Our visit to Derwent Valley will be in my next post.

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