Tsz Shan Monastery, Tai Po, Hong Kong

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I went back Hong Kong for my father-in-law funeral wake and for this trip I have no interest in sight-seeing or taking photos of any landmark in Hong Kong. Since both our parents-in-law had passed away within 6 months so it was quite upsetting to all the families and we used these times for reunion with each other and hopefully we still able to keep in touch even both parents-in-law no longer with us.

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During my last day in Hong Kong, we got free tickets invitation to Tsz Shan Monastery, Tai Po, Hong Kong, the monastery is still under construction and will be fully completed in May or June 2016. It is not open to public till May or June and only limited visitors are allow per day, visitors must book the tickets in advance on their website for visiting.

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Located in Tai Po’s Tung Tsz hills near Tai Mei Tuk, the 500,000 square feet Tsz Shan Monastery represents an unadorned and elegant style resembling the monastic architecture of the Tang Dynasty.

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Completed in 2013, the 76-meter tall statue at Tsz Shan Monastery is the world’s tallest Avalokitesvara – Guan Yin –  bronze statue. 1 billion HKD was donated by Li Ka-Shing, the richest man in Hong Kong and  to benefit society through the propagation of the Dharma.


According to Feng Shui, the Guan Yin statue is standing at the foot of Shun Yeung Fung on Pak Sin Leng mountain range,  facing southwest towards the Plover Cove. “Fronting water and with hills on the back” is the best layout for choosing a construction location.


On the other side of the island, the Tian Tan Buddha located at Ngong Ping highland in west Lantau Island is facing northeast towards mainland China. These two landmarks in Hong Kong are actually facing each other, wishing Hong Kong a peaceful and bright future.

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When walk up to the monastery, you can view the island surrounding by mountains and sea.  The landscape with the mist surrounding the mountains  creating a misty, heavenly touch to the monastery.  Walking into the monastery, the volunteer helpers will direct and guide the visitors who wish to do the prayer to the Goddess Guan Yin and Buddha. Walking around the monastery, we can enjoy the freedom of taking photos without too many crowds and the monks kindly explain the teaching of Buddhism to us as an education of knowledge.

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i totally love this monastery and will recommend to all my friends if you are in Hong Kong and have the time, book in advance for a visit to this monastery, entrance fee is free.

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